The Role of Trusted/Secure Environments
HDRN Canada Scientific Director Dr. Kim McGrail moderates a discussion…

Artificial Intelligence in a
Federated Landscape
Dr. Elissa Strome moderates this discussion featuring Dr. Rui Duan, …

Statistical Review with
Distributed Data
Dr. Nichole Austin and Dr. Félix Camirand Lemyre demonstrate the…

Current Approaches for
Distributed Analysis
Dr. Judith Maro, James Weaver and Michael Paterson explore different…

Current Approaches for
Distributed Analysis
Michael Paterson, Principal Investigator for CNODES Ontario, and Dr. Robert Platt,…

Federated Analysis 101
Dr. Kim McGrail, HDRN Canada Scientific Director and Dr. Robert Platt,…

The Role of Trusted/Secure Environments
HDRN Canada Scientific Director Dr. Kim McGrail moderates a discussion featuring Dr. Ted McDonald, Maureen Kelly and Charles Victor on trusted/secure environments and their role in supporting federated analysis.
. External Link. Opens in new windWATCH THE VIDEO. External Link. Opens in new window.

Artificial Intelligence in a
Federated Landscape
Dr. Elissa Strome moderates this discussion featuring Dr. Rui Duan, Dr. John Langford, and Dr. Aline Talhouk on the feasibility of various AI analytics with practical examples of AI in the Canadian administrative health data context.
. External Link. Opens in new windWATCH THE VIDEO. External Link. Opens in new window.

Statistical Review with
Distributed Data
Dr. Nichole Austin and Dr. Félix Camirand Lemyre demonstrate the statistical analyses that can and cannot be conducted using practical examples.
. External Link. Opens in new windWATCH THE VIDEO. External Link. Opens in new window.

Current Approaches for
Distributed Analysis
Dr. Judith Maro, James Weaver and Michael Paterson explore different approaches to distributed analysis with practical use cases from CNODES, OHDSI and Sentinel.
. External Link. Opens in new windWATCH THE VIDEO. External Link. Opens in new window.

Current Approaches for
Distributed Analysis
Michael Paterson, Principal Investigator for CNODES Ontario, and Dr. Robert Platt, CNODES Executive Co-Lead, explore current approaches to federated analysis as well as their respective benefits and limitations through practical use cases and discussions.

Federated Analysis 101
Dr. Kim McGrail, HDRN Canada Scientific Director and Dr. Robert Platt, CNODES Executive Co-Lead, establish common understanding and language around federated analysis in a Canadian health data context. In examining the current state of the science, Drs. McGrail and Platt explain why federated analysis is needed and explore the challenges that motivate the need for it in the health data research space.