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How Dash Works infographic

  1. Sign up for a free DASH account
  2. Submit an Intake form
  3. Researcher reviews DASH resources, including:
    • Data Assets Inventory
    • Algorithms Inventory
    • Data Access Process Inventory

Next steps:

  • DASH Team coordinates an intake call between Researcher and relevant data centres to review the project (5 business days).
  • DASH Team coordinates consultations between Researcher and data centres to provide feedback and confirm feasibility of the project.
  • DASH Team consolidates data centre feasibility assessment and cost estimate (if applicable) and sends to Researcher (2 – 4 weeks).
  1. DASH Team assists Researcher in completing the Data Access Request (DAR) form by communicating local DAR instructions and required documentation.
  2. DASH Team coordinates a project kick-off meeting between Researcher and relevant data centres to clarify next steps and finalize data requirements.
  3. Researcher completes local data access request activities.

Next steps:

  • DASH Team coordinates regular meetings with Researcher to ensure project progression.
  • DASH Team and relevant data centres support Researcher to obtain the following:
    • Project approval including Original Data Provider/Data Custodian approvals
    • Privacy, Confidentiality and Security Review
    • Data Sharing Agreements
    • Data Access
  1. Researcher accesses data according to each data centre’s access policies and procedures (e.g., remote access to secure analytic environments).
  2. Data centres invoice Researcher for data and access services according to each data centre’s cost recovery policies and procedures. Find more information on costs for data-related services.

Data Access and Linkage

Learn about how data can be used for your research project.

Learn More

Data Disclosure

Data Linkage

Linking External Datasets