- Population Health Digital Research Infrastructureundefined: Building Up and Out from a Learning Collaborative Network: A Position Paper submitted by Health Data Research Network Canada (HDRN Canada) to the New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) (December 9, 2020)
- Social Licence for uses of Health Dataundefined: A report on public perspectives: Building on a decade of research into publicly supported uses of health data, Social Licence for Uses of Health Data: A Report on Public Perspectives adds the voices of 20 experienced public and patient advisors to the discussion about what uses and users of health data have “social licence.”
- How can health data be used for public benefit? 3 uses that people agree onundefinedThe Conversation (January 22, 2023)
- Plain language about health data is essential for transparency and trustundefinedThe Conversation (October 9, 2019)
- The public needs to know why health data are used without consentundefined The Conversation (October 6, 2019)
- Health data collected during the coronavirus pandemic needs to be managed responsiblyundefinedThe Conversation (September 10, 2020)