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Trusted/Secure Environments & their Role in Supporting Federated Analysis

Maureen Kelly, a white woman with brown hair and glasses. Dr. Ted McDonald, a white man with grey hair and glasses. Charles Victor, a white man with short dark hair. Text reads: Federated Analysis: Trusted/Secure Environments. Health Data Research Network Canada logo at top.


Join us for the sixth webinar in the Federated Analysis: State of the Science Collective Learning Series. HDRN Canada Scientific Director Dr. Kim McGrail will moderate a discussion featuring Dr. Ted McDonald, Maureen Kelly and Charles Victor on the evolution of the trusted/secure environments that exist in Canada and internationally. The webinar will explore current best practices for trusted/secure environments, discuss the risks and misconceptions of risk that are associated with these environments, and look at what research opportunities are arising with the use of trusted/secure environments.


Maureen Kelly is the Director of Data Governance at the Canadian Institute for Health Information, where she provides the vision and leadership for CIHI’s data governance initiatives and programs, including data content standards, information quality, internal and external data access and dissemination, and data ethics. Prior to joining CIHI as a methodologist in 2003, she worked at the Office for National Statistics in the UK and at Statistics Canada.

Dr. Ted McDonald is the founding director of the New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training, and a Professor of Economics at the University of New Brunswick. He is also the New Brunswick lead for the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit, Academic Director of the Statistics Canada NB-RDC and past chair of the Canadian Research Data Centre Network Academic Council (2017-2023). Dr. McDonald’s research areas include the health status and health services used by immigrants, rural residents, minority groups and other subpopulations.

Dr. Kim McGrail is a Professor in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia, and Scientific Director of Population Data BC and HDRN Canada. Her research interests are quantitative policy evaluation and all aspects of population data science. In 2019-2020, Dr. McGrail participated as a member of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Task Force on AI4Health and from 2020-2022 she was a member of the Expert Working Group for the Pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy.

Charles Victor is the Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships and External Services at ICES, where he develops and maintains partnerships with data providers, government agencies, academic institutions and industry partners. Charles has been responsible for the development and oversight of ICES’ Data and Analytic Services, a unit aimed at providing high quality research ready health services data and analytic reports to clinical researchers, health system stakeholders, and industry partners globally.

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